All Services - George Rechnitzer & Associates

Our Services

Dr Rechnitzer, Principal, is one of Australia’s most experienced Safety and Forensic Engineers, has published widely in the field, and has provided litigation support and incisive expert reports in major jurisdictions across Australia and internationally for fatal and serious injury incidents in transport related activities and the workplace, for over 30 years.

George Rechnitzer & Associates (GRA) specialises in applying the engineering sciences to improve safety across many areas including road safety, vehicle crashworthiness, OH&S, incident investigation and analysis, and countermeasure development for injury prevention, including undertaking major road and workplace safety research and projects through Monash University and TARS/UNSW.

Safety Engineering

Reviewing and improving road and workplace safety systems
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Transport incident

Transport Incidents

We investigate anything that moves.
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Workplace Accident

Workplace Accidents

Investigations and reports for legal incidents and OH&S
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Accident Reports Investigation

Impartial analysis of evidence, and expert opinion
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Expert Reports

Detailed investigative incident reports for court
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Forensic Engineering

Investigating failures resulting in injury or damage
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Litigation Support

Guidance and support needed for legal cases
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