Car Accident Reports

Our Services

George Rechnitzer and Associates offers expert forensic and safety engineering investigation services and Expert Witness testimony for your legal needs. Our expert work covers Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, and throughout Victoria, Tasmania, New South Wales (NSW) the ACT, Northern Territory (NT), Western Australia (WA), and Queensland (QLD).

Transport Accident Report

Dr George Rechnitzer & Associates

Accident Report In Australia

Expert Reports & Litigation Support, Accident Investigation& Collision Reconstruction, Forensic & Safety Engineering Transport & Workplace Safety.

We provide high quality, independent, reliable and detailed expert reports and expert witness courtroom testimony for vehicle accidents and workplace incidents that are based on well established scientific methodologies, combined with the insight of our vast real-world experience, which spans many hundreds of legal cases for businesses, individuals and families in the Melbourne community, Australia wide, and internationally.
  • Over 50 years of experience.
  • One of Australia's leading experts.
  • Insight. Detail. Clarity. Reliability.
Discuss your Case with Us

Incident investigation and analysis for law and insurance

To build your case, you need to have a streamlined process of organising this data into a presentable format that maximises your results in the courtroom. Accident reconstructions help retrace the events preceding an incident, uncovering valuable information that might otherwise be missed.
Our services have helped improve transport and workplace safety by providing expert reports, expert witness and litigation support, and the presentation of evidence for mediation settlements, and to judges, attorneys, and juries. We document the entire forensic process in order to meet the standards set forth by the courts, and ensure that your case offers all of the necessary data.

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a free consultation

All details will be kept confidential, and we are always happy to discuss anything with you with no obligation.

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